Motion Magnified Video is a good tool for seeing potential rotating machinery system issues, such as, soft foot, piping support problems, foundation cracks, etc. This magnified video shows excessive system motion when the pump is operated below it's specified minimum operating speed. Vibration was acceptable within the specified running speed range (70% to 100% of maximum running speed).
1. Problem Statement (Challenge)
2. Work Performed
3. Results/Solution
MSI’s VibVue® MMV test results show acceptable motion within the running speed range but high motion when operating just outside of the running speed range (acceptable with added motor mass).
Summary of running speed range: The pumps were converted from constant speed to variable speed which can lead to exciting previously benign natural frequencies. New motors with different dynamic characteristics including mass were also changing the system natural frequencies.
One example FRF plot from among many resulting from a properly specified and performed Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA, impact) test. This example shows acceptable separation margin from running speed. This means, high vibration due to resonance is unlikely at commissioning and over the plant operating life. Other FRFs indicted a separation margin issue.
Overall vibration data showing that the pumps fall within the ANSI/HI specified vibration criteria at this measurement location in the vertical (blue), perpendicular (red) and parallel (green) directions relative to the pump discharge flange.
MSI was tasked with designing a prototype 20 hp high speed radial gas turbine generator to operate at 40,000 RPM with R-134a as the working fluid.
MSI was contracted to design a down-hole, multi-set external gear hydraulic motor – pump unit.
MSI was tasked with designing a subscale (1/6th) axial hydro-turbine utilizing a belt system to drive a generator.
MSI consultants solve difficult or urgent problems of vibration in machinery, taking into account the performance process parameters in critical rotating machinery and systems. MSI’s right-first-time, high-value solutions and clear reports are based on a 30-year track record of reliably solving the problem.
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