Solving Structural Vibration Problems Using Operating Deflection Shape and Finite Element Analysis: Pump Vibration Limits

This tutorial focuses on vibration issues in pumps primarily for power plants, refineries, and municipal water and waste water treatment plants.  When vibration is due to a resonance of a structural natural frequency or an unexpected geometry change such as looseness or cracking, solutions become more complicated.  This tutorial will provide an in-depth look at how the combination of field testing and computer analysis can solve vibration issues is a timely and cost-effective manner.


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Field Testing & Troubleshooting

Field testing and vibration troubleshooting are essential to finding the problem root cause

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Finite Element Analysis

State-of-the-art FEA services, linear and non-linear - structural, vibration, rotordynamic, thermal, acoustic, electromagnetic, and corrosion analysis/troubleshooting

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Avoid the costly and chronic trial and error approach to problem solving with sophisticated field-testing techniques to characterize problems, validate computer models, and find the root cause of the problem.

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